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Da Bones Quote ListsJon and Jen Logan's Wedding(and Tablewine's Bachelor Party!)July 24-26, 1997"Hey occifer! He's not drunk...but we are!" --Tablewine, to one of Ithaca's finest, as the officer was questioning Andrew's sobriety after last call. Craig, trying to understand "Point": "Does it help to have two points?" Mike, thoughtfully: "...it helps to be stoned." TW: "He's pointing at the little green batmans!" Ersk: "You've seen the green batmen too?!?" TW: "Yeah, that's when I stopped." "My bone hasn't been greased in a while." --Chuckie, in a pathetically blatant attempt at quote list fame. ;-) "Ya oughta get a cup, unless you wanna be playin with them plastic testicles." --Clavin, (of course) on Ersk's softball equipage Bill: "Scersk, in his delusional mind, thought that he could have ----- anytime, anyplace." Torch: "Are we forgetting that we're in her house, and she's upstairs?" Bill: "Oh shit...well, it doesn't hurt me any." "Ersk, are you okay with that? Because you know how possesive he gets..." --Dersk, upon learning that Ersk slept with Torch. [not like that, dammit! -ed] "Not to demean your car or anything, but it's the suckiest pieces of shit I've ever driven." --Bill, on Scersk's car Scersk: *hack, hack* Bill: "That would be the first inhale for Scersk." Scersk: "They smell good!" Torch: "They smell like stogies." Bill: "They smell better than piss." Scersk: "Bill has to piss on himself if he misses a four putt." Leahy: "I pissed my pants freshman year." "Scersk lost" --Ersk & Dersk, reporting on a surprise upset in the game of "Point." "Glen Fineman was unavailable for comment." --Dersk, on the upset. "DAMN!" *grin* --Dersk, remembering that Austrian chick [sung, in unison] "Smoke yer stogie on the porch porch porch..." -Ersk and Dersk, in harmony, with feelin' Torch: "Hey Opie,...you drunk?" Opie: [middle finger] "I'm sorry I have to do this again, but 'DAMN!'" --Dersk, fondling memories of that Austrian "There's gotta be something we can do with a naked Tablewine and some velcro." --Dersk, trying to brainstorm wedding pranks Any Questions? Bitch to: webmaster@bones.org Current Bone Webmaster (by decree) - Slice '25: mzs9@cornell.edu |