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Da Bones Quote ListsMini-Euro-BonecomingJune 1997, Amsterdam"If Torch gets burned once he'll learn...oh, wait a sec..." -Windex on Torch burning himself on a cuban (?), obviously forgetting how Torch became Torch in the first place, then remembering. "Yay, Mom is gone!..." --Dersk (care to fill in the rest of the quote?) "It's fun taking people's legs off." --Ken, on his profession (surgeon) "Ohhhh, yeah...." --Torch, poppin' bubbles. (bubblewrap) "It's like popping zits - it's cathartic." --Ken, on popping bubbles Dersk, in a stage whisper: "Torch gets paranoid." Torch: "What?...WHAT?!" "...or should I start some solitary activity?" --Ken, but why? [Always a good question anyhow. -ed] "I think we should leave or get wet." --Dersk, minutes before getting wet "I'm usually a good skater" --Ken, minutes after breaking his collar bone showing off on rollerblades. "Wow, I've seen four of Torch's vices today." --Rich Any Questions? Bitch to: webmaster@bones.org Current Bone Webmaster (by decree) - Slice '25: mzs9@cornell.edu |