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Da Bones Quote ListsEuro-BoneComing '97Boneingdang? in AmsterdamMay, 1997"The hole's too small for my finger!" --Ersk "You move much too fast for a guy who's been smoking dope." --Chuckie to Ersk "You're a fine example for all stupid people." --Ersk to Dersk Dersk: "Everyone duck!!" (pause) Chuckie: "Will the beer make it!?!" Chuckie: "Is she a romantic interest of yours, or is she a free-for-all?" Torch: "Oh, kind of both" (poomp!) "It's like getting a whole 'nother fresh beer." --Chuckie upon re-opening his Grolsh beer "My liver's full" --Torch "You got cheek, cheek, lip? ... Cool!" --Mike to Dersk Dersk: "What's on the list so far?" Chuckie: "Cat food, soap, toilet paper, beer, stogies, weed" Dersk: "Hanging around you guys gives me the shits." Ersk: "...yeah, and it's only around you guys that I smell this bad." Dersk: "Chuckie, you're looking incomprehensive." Chuckie: "No, I'm just contemplating." Dersk: "Chuckie, what are you thinking about." Chuckie: "Oh, nothing." "I can't beat what you've got." --Jen (Torch's babelicious new roommate) to Glenn Ersk: "Let's go outside. There's women in loose clothing." Glen: "And there's loose women in tight clothing.." "Bones at rest tend to stay at rest. Bones in motion tend to stop." --Ersk & Dersk Guy outside live sex show: "You know you want to, you well-dressed perverts." Dersk:"I didn't think we were well dressed..." Any Questions? Bitch to: webmaster@bones.org Current Bone Webmaster (by decree) - Slice '25: mzs9@cornell.edu |