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Da Bones Quote ListsBonecoming 2003October 23-26, 2003"I am at Bonecoming: Drinking and carousing, I drink for three.
Let's go and tap the keg;
Scersk: "Nothing like a peashooter!"
?: "It's a good thing we don't have naked band parties."
Scersk, regarding Susie's "aardvark": "Wow, that's just not Tovah."
Rich: "So, how's Penn?"
"Did we used to live like this?"
Stratemeier: "I got a picture of my wife... and my car!"
"I can't keep my clothes on!"
"Well, that's pretty much the end of that."
"I'm kinda like a mechanical bull."
Scersk: "What can I say: she likes to f***!"
"Tonight I am going to expose my inner a**hole."
"I guess it was a homecoming of sorts."
"Scott thought he hooked up once, but I'm convinced it was a drug induced hallucination."
Rich: "I don't think you can call that a football team."
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