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Da Bones Quote ListsBonecoming '97September 25-28, 1997"By the way, what the hell are you doing here?" -- Craig to Dersk, soon after his (Dersk's) arrival "What the hell are you doing here?" -- Clavin, one minute later "No, Ersk, that's the fan, not the man!" -- Scersk trying to make sure Ersk could still distinguish between inanimate objects and people "Craig, show us how to dance, get Nitro!" -- Da Bones "She'll have to lead, though..." -- Craig "Are we incorporated yet?" -- Craig, first thing he says when he gets on the phone with Torch "If I had known what you guys would do with that, I wouldn't have told you." -- Craig in reference to his lesbian dance partner "Craig, you used the word "lesbian" on bone-L and expected it to go away?!" -- Rich H. "Teat!!!" -- Mr. Gnu "New Jersey is the most amazing place!!! I just realized how much I love the Packers!!!! P.S. I'm a cheese head, seeya tomorrow." -- Joe "Patriots SUCK!" Salsbury as impersonated by someone else over e-mail (I just thought that this should be preserved for ever.) "I just did something really funny in the bathroom." --Rich H. at the Pines "We need some crowd surfin action!!!!!" --Arsk, seconds before being lifted atop the mosh pit for said action Any Questions? Bitch to: webmaster@bones.org Current Bone Webmaster (by decree) - Slice '25: mzs9@cornell.edu |