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Da Bones Quote ListsBoneComing '95.1February, 1995: Hahvahd HOCKEY"He heh Let's get Craig a double shot of Soco he heh." -- Mike and Ersk, escalating the shot war at Dunbar's "It's a really bad idea to have a shot war when everyone in it can afford tons of shots." -- Mike, beginning to regret escalating the shot war "You tried to pants me?!?!?!?" -- Craig, the next morning Janine : "Maybe we ought to get Craig a wastebasket...." (someone quickly hands Craig a wastebasket) Craig : BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "Remember me?" -- IthaCop, to Rich H. on the second straight night of noise complaints. Any Questions? Bitch to: webmaster@bones.org Current Bone Webmaster (by decree) - Slice '25: mzs9@cornell.edu |