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Da Bones Master Quote List
Table of Contents
- General Section Quotes
- Norm and Angie's Wedding Jan. 3-6, 1995
- Tablewine and Jen's Wedding (and Bachelor Party!) July 24-26, 1997
- Y2Bone: New Years 2000 Ithaca, Dec. 29, 1999 - Jan. 3, 2000
- Ersk and Amy's Wedding (and New Years!) Dec. 26, 2000 - Jan. 1, 2001
- Chad and Rose's Wedding September 3-5, 2010
- BoneComing Quotes
- BoneComing '94 September 1994
- BoneComing '95.1 Feb. 1995, Hahvahd Hahckey
- BoneComing '95.2 Septemeber 21-24, 1995
- BoneComing '96.1 March 8-10, ECAC Quarterfinals
- Euro-BoneComing '97 May 1997, Amsterdam
- Mini-Euro-BoneComing '97 June 1997, Amsterdam
- BoneComing '97 September 1997
- Micro-Bonecoming West '99 April 1999, California
- Euro-BoneComing '99 April 1999, Amsterdam
- BoneComing 2000 September 21-24, 2000
- BoneComing 2002 September 26-29, 2002
- BoneComing 2003 October 23-26, 2003
- BoneComing 2009 October 16-18 2009
- BoneComing 2010 September 24-26 2010
- Quotes of the Year
Any Questions? Bitch to: webmaster@bones.org
Current Bone Webmaster (by decree) - Slice '25: mzs9@cornell.edu