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Pictures of Da Bones

Anyone is welcome to send us funny/interesting/unusual/usual/boring pictures of Da Cornell Bones.

Members can now add their pictures directly to the website! Step 1: Register as a member
Step 2: Login & Upload Pictures!
Uploaded pictures are available for viewing in
The Bone Photo Album

If you are not a member, or if you are experienceing trouble uploading your pics, email webmaster@bones.org.

--- New Pix ---

Recent Submissions

  • Sleepy Rico (cropped) -- (posted 2014-10-19 18:07:33 by Jesus in album Bonecoming 2014)
  • Sleepy Rico -- (posted 2014-10-19 18:03:41 by Jesus in album Bonecoming 2014)
  • Hawaii 5-0 2013 -- (posted 2014-01-22 19:54:26 by slashsnail in album 2013)
  • BACON! (cropped) -- Same as one of the other photos, but with the whitespace removed! (posted 2013-04-22 17:38:26 by mfc22 in album Bone/Bacon Happy Hour)
  • 2013 Section Leaders -- Frank and JCS, the bone section leaders for MMXIII. (Photo by Kathryn.) (posted 2012-12-09 00:13:02 by mfc22 in album just for the homepage)
  • The 2012 Candidates -- President Taubama and Governor Tomney. (posted 2012-10-12 12:35:24 by mfc22 in album just for the homepage)
  • Bones at Harvard, 2000 -- Da Bones play in Harvard Stadium in the infamous "Renegade Band Game," October 2000. (posted 2012-10-01 21:18:21 by mfc22 in album just for the homepage)
  • Bone Seniors 2012! -- Max (Duckie), Kathryn, Sarah, and Garen - the graduating Bones of MMXII! (posted 2012-05-26 16:28:32 by mfc22 in album just for the homepage)
  • Hush y'all! -- Da Bones need their quiet time before finals. (posted 2012-05-05 00:41:44 by mfc22 in album just for the homepage)
  • Bones on Facebook -- Cornell Days 2012: Da Bones on the cover of Cornell's official timeline! (posted 2012-04-20 13:45:18 by mfc22 in album just for the homepage)
  • Pictures of Bones

    Bones In-Action

    Random Group and Party shots

    Memorable Moments

    And the shirt off your back...our world famous t-shirts

    [CUInfo] Any Questions? Bitch to: webmaster@bones.org
    Current Bone Webmaster (by decree) - Slice '25: mzs9@cornell.edu